Detailed analysis of the agrochemical and seeds & traits industries on a quarterly basis, together with quarterly company product and regional sales estimates.

Up-to-date Insights

Detailed Reports

Interactive Platform
Quarterly Insights that bring detail and clarity to your decision making in the increasingly volatile agrochemical market. Each quarterly report is split into three key sections:

Section 1: Delivered approximately two weeks prior to the quarter-end.
+ Company performance metrics
+ Company sales
+ Key regional factors, including weather effects
+ Planted area outlooks
+ Crop stocks and prices
+ Key recent events
+ Agrochemical price development
+ Crop protection and seed market forecasts

Section 2: Delivered approximately one week prior to the quarter end.
+ Key factors driving quarterly market development
+ Key currencies
+ Planted areas / ending stocks / crop forecasts
+ Analyst comment on key factors impacting market development
+ Commodity prices plus comment
+ WASDE update
+ Agrochemical pricing development
+ Crop futures prices
+ Regional market discussion
+ Key weather effects

Section 3: Each quarter the senior AgbioInvestor analytical team provide estimates for each leading agrochemical and seeds & traits company, splitting reported sales by region and product group. Results are provided to subscribing clients within two days of a company reporting. Tracked companies include:
Bayer | Vilmorin |
Syngenta | Nufarm |
Corteva | Adama |
+ Quarterly competitor tracking
+ Company sales tracking
+ Sales split into product sector by region
+ Based on AgbioInvestor estimates
+ Updated quarterly
+ Provides additional insight into company results
Interested in the Quarterly Briefing Service?
AgbioNews | AgbioCrop | AgbioSeed | AgBiological | Quarterly Briefing Service | AgbioSelect | AgbioGuide | AgbioTrade | AgbioChem | AgbioInvestor MR
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