Biologicals Data & Market Intelligence

From AgbioInvestor


Biologicals Data & Market Intelligence

From AgbioInvestor

As the agricultural industry changes, new market sectors are emerging, holding significant growth potential for companies positioned to exploit these opportunities.

  • Elevate your understanding. Quantitative view of major biologicals markets, grower sentiment and qualitative insights.
  • Stay ahead of the curve. Track the latest developments and forecast future development.
  • More than just data. Industry leading insights and support from our expert analytical team.

See our tailored solutions that empower you to make informed decisions and drive business success.


AgBiological is the only qualitative and quantitative report on the global biopesticide and biostimulant markets to be based on bespoke biologicals primary market research.

  • Understand biologicals market dynamics
  • Track latest developments
  • Forecast future development.


Pioneering biological and biostimulant-focused market research studies, which were conducted for the first time in 2023 and profiled the 2022 agricultural market.

  • Detailed quantitative view of major biopesticide and biostimulants markets
  • Understand grower sentiment and qualitative insights
  • Powerful dashboards, market summaries and industry leading analyst support


Learn more about our
Biologicals Services

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