Powered by pioneering biological and biostimulant-focused market research studies

The Most In-depth
Bio-stimulant Data
AgBiological - Biological Market Intelligence
Powerful Interactive
AgBiological - Biological Market Intelligence
Link Grower Thinking
and Product Usage

AgbioInsight is derived from pioneering biological and biostimulant-focused market research studies, which were conducted for the first time in 2023 and profiled the 2022 agricultural market.

The most comprehensive bio-stimulant data

A depth of biostimulant data like no-one else, including seed treatments, foliar and soil applied products

Link grower thinking and product usage

Learn how growers feel about their biological products, and see how growers utilise these alongside conventional chemicals

Get the full picture

Grower level market data extrapolated for a total market view, showing treated areas, volumes and market value

Interactive dashboards

Make informed decisions with ease using our intuitive platform

Market research data covering many key agricultural markets for biologicals:

North America

+ USA   + Mexico

South America

+ Chile   + Brazil   + Argentina


+ France   + Italy   + Spain   + Turkey

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