Syndicated Biological Crop Input Use Survey 2024

Discover emerging market sectors with significant growth potential
for companies ready to exploit these opportunities

Understand Grower Usage
and Behaviours

Global Survey Covering
10 Key Countries
AgBiological - Biological Market Intelligence
Includes Major Row
Crops and Specialities

AgbioInvestor’s global market research provides unique insights into niche markets where disrupting technology is increasingly altering the agricultural landscape.



Primary Aim
To understand grower usage (e.g. treated acres, costs, key brands etc.) of Biological Crop Inputs (BCI) in the key crop/country markets, with a view to providing a representative view of the total market for such products in the 2024 agricultural year.


Secondary Aim
To understand grower behaviours and experience of using BCI.

Target Groups / Screening


CATI / F2F / Online interviews
where appropriate
Growers using Bio Crop Inputs
Approach and Study Design


Country Coverage – 10 Key Countries


Argentina, Brazil, Canada, Chile, France, Italy,
Mexico, Spain, Turkey and USA
Key crops harvested in 2024


Quantitative questions to meet
Primary Aim
Qualitative questions to meet Secondary Aim



  • Cleaned and extrapolated data for each country
  • Raw data in cleaned and normalised form
  • Sentiment analysis for qualitative questions



  • Executive summaries
  • Slide deck with key findings
  • Power BI dashboard for investigating data

Specialists in the Agrochemical Market  |  Biologicals Market  |  Seeds & Traits Industries

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